Momentum Retreat Leaders
Helping to invite the Spirit and guide insight
Our "Why"
Awakening faithful young adults to the vital importance of a life centered on Christ by inviting the Spirit in every aspect of daily life.
Our "How"
A week long retreat full of hiking, book reading, scripture study, prayer, delicious food and super fun activities.
Maintaining Mission Momentum
Hello! We're Shawn and Dallan Wortham. We're twin brothers that share more than just our physical characteristics. We both:
are pilots
have three children
started a successful business
enjoy the blessings of keeping covenants!
That being said, we both felt wildly unprepared for our lives post missionary service. Looking back, we are surprised at how quickly we unintentionally fell asleep spiritually. Although we continued to progress in our careers, got married in the temple and regularly attended church, we were drastically living below our potential.
God's Mercy & Miracles
We are eternally grateful to our Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ. Thanks to them, our beautiful wives and some insightful life experience, we were awakened to how casual we had become with our relationship with Christ. We had come to find out that we were not alone and that many RM's and LDS young adults were in our same boat.
We have since shared our experience via game changing retreats and life altering literature that help us to rise from the dust and become men and women of God.
Shawn now serves as an Air Force pilot flying the A-10 and lives in Tucson, Arizona with his wife Megan and three children.
Dallan flew the CRJ for Skywest Airlines, but now works from home as a digital marketer. He lives in Stansbury Park, Utah with his wife Catalina and three children.
We testify that Christ lives. His gospel has been restored. His atonement can elevate each of us to reach our celestial potential.